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Your cards indicate that someone didn’t appreciate being "called out" and is likely feeling quite angry at the moment.

I've drawn six cards, and they suggest that someone didn't take kindly to hearing some hard truths you've had to share. This person appears to be extremely angry and agitated right now.
You tend to give people more chances than they deserve and prefer to maintain harmony. Arguing or falling out with anyone makes you uncomfortable and causes you to overthink.

The cards also reveal that someone has been making empty threats. Perhaps they've threatened to leave you or claimed they would do something drastic if you left them, but these threats haven't materialized.
I see a person with darker hair who is defensive, somewhat arrogant, and occasionally has a bad attitude. This individual may have bad intentions, potentially related to finances, so it's important to protect yourself and not be overly generous. Remember to prioritize your own needs as well.

Be cautious with decisions involving finances or your home, as someone might be trying to manipulate you for their benefit.
This person is influenced by the wrong people, and they will soon realise their mistakes, but you might feel helpless in the meantime. I see the initials D and S associated with them. Additionally, this person is acting recklessly and will face karma for their actions. You shouldn’t feel obligated to fix their mistakes. If they've wronged someone, karma will take its course.

You are not responsible for their actions; they are. You shouldn't feel guilty, and you deserve better than this.

If you want to know more than I have a 40% discount on 6 Card Readings with a FREE Month Ahead Reading but I only have 5 spaces available for this week.

for your 6 card reading + month ahead (IN DEPTH) with 40% off > click here

OR for a 3 card reading for only £10 > click here

For all options including tarot, crystal ball readings & more > click here 

Love Scott xx

