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Hey, how are you? Today's free Tarot Card Reading has revealed The Star. This card indicates a time for deep thought and contemplation. You may be experiencing doubts about certain decisions. It's essential to prioritize yourself right now, even though it might be challenging given your situation. Take this time for inward reflection, grounding, and contemplation before moving forward with your choices. There's no need to rush, but don't delay too long, as it might become more difficult to address these issues later. You might be hoping things will improve on their own, but be careful not to ignore pressing issues, particularly in relationships. Trust your instincts and follow your heart.

This week, it's crucial to remain calm and understand others' feelings instead of being impulsive. Avoid jumping to conclusions or making assumptions without asking questions. Be cautious over the next few days to prevent conflicts based on someone else's words.

Spirit is also warning you against closing yourself off to new opportunities due to past hurts or rejections. You might have faced heartbreak in a relationship or failure in your career and now fear repeating those experiences. However, this mindset could cause you to miss out on excellent new opportunities. Consider whether shutting yourself down is truly the best course of action, or if it’s time to open up to new possibilities, especially if you're seeking new beginnings or changes in your life.

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